Länsivienalainen runolaulu 1900-luvulla (Western Viena Karelian Runo Singing in the 20th Century)

Länsivienalainen runolaulu 1900-luvulla (Western Viena Karelian Runo Singing in the 20th Century)

Author: Pekka Huttu-Hiltunen
Publication Year: 2008
Publishers: Sibelius Academy & Juminkeko Foundation
ISBN: 978-952-5385-46-5, 978-952-5531-46-6
ISSN: 1797-9838, 0788-3757
Pages: 439

This publication is a cultural-sensitive musical analysis of the singing styles of six rune singers, including Domna Huovinen and Jussi Huovinen. Huttu-Hiltunen’s doctoral dissertation on Western Viena Karelian runo singing is the first scientific dissertation in the folk music department of the Sibelius Academy.

In his music anthropological study, Pekka Huttu-Hiltunen has used manuscripts and recordings from heritage archives, as well as his own interview recordings and diary entries from his research trips spanning approximately ten years. This comprehensive approach provides deep insights into the cultural and musical nuances of the runo singing tradition from the Western Viena Karelian region.

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