Joikuja Karjalasta (Joiks from Karelia)

Joikuja Karjalasta (Joiks from Karelia)

Maari Kallberg (b. 1970) is a contemporary folk singer who specializes in the joik tradition of Viena Karelia. Kallberg has worked extensively in the field of folk music as a musician, researcher, and teacher. Her artistic doctoral degree was completed in 2007, titled “Singing Journeys to Viena Karelia.” The degree consisted of a series of five concerts, a written thesis, and a CD. The basis for the degree was the Finnish folk music researcher A. O. Väisänen’s recording trip to Viena Karelia in the summer of 1915, as well as Kallberg’s own recent research trips following in Väisänen’s footsteps.

Recording, Mixing, and Mastering: Taito Hoffrén
Photography: AJ Savolainen, Janne Seppänen, Klaus von Matt
Cover Design: Klaus von Matt
Translations: Pekka Huttu-Hiltunen and Frog
Producer: Taito Hoffrén & Maari Kallberg

ISRC: FI7KA0900038—00046
EAN: 64 3002409 0055

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